Tuesday, 9 July 2013

A Tame Return; The Impala

It's funny how way leads on to way. ''And its true that some things have to change''. So sings Kevin Parker on 'Runway, City, Houses, Clouds'. The lengthy title seems to be a recurring theme with Parker; 'Nothing that has happened so far has been anything we could control', being the most extreme example.

''It's nothing different'' has been an accusation I've heard leveled at Tame Impala more than once. There is a definite throwback to the likes of Pink Floyd, The Beatles and Led Zeppelin in Parker's work. The change lyric rings true; some things have  changed. The guitar effects are works of art in their own right, the guitar plays a huge part; the sound and impact it creates is equally huge.

Runway etc. contains an absolutely wondrous guitar solo for the last two minutes or so.Two slightly different pieces played over and over again. Each note is a clean, warm and ambient sound. Each note blending into the other smoothly rising to powerful crescendos.

The N-Man will be seeing them in August and eagerly awaits the prospect.