Saturday 27 August 2011

Musings 412: The Return Of A Mind

Internet peoples; I have been absent from this blog of late and for that my humblest apologies. I was stuck right between a mouse and a hard place. I didn't have comfortable internet access. You know what I mean, the sort of internet access where once can be naked and picking crisp fat from one's hirstute upper torso. Jamie Stewart of Xiu Xiu once sung 'Listen to On Fire and pretend someone could love you'

He was referring to the Galaxie 500 album On Fire. An a bittersweet effort in melancholy and fuzzy ambience. It includes a wonderful rendition of the George Harrison song Isn't It A Pity. It truly is a remarkable album, Blue Thunder and Snowstorm are particular highlights for me.

Galaxie 500 enjoyed a short lived existence between 1987 and 1991. They were a trio: Dean Wareham on vocals and guitar, Naomi Yang on bass guitar and drummer Damon Krukowski. They originally met in London but began playing together whilst in Harvard. Early Galaxie 500 recordings feature a drum kit on loan to the band from none other than Conan O'Brien a fellow student of theirs at the time. On Fire is the bands best work and sits proudly as their greatest achievement, it truly is an outstanding album

Also popping around inside my head begging to be played is the Yo La Tengo album Painful. And this song in particular.

My ability to accumulate music has stalled recently due to laptop problems as it is suffering from being over stuffed with superfluous files and so generally just turns itself off at will.



  1. You owe me a drink mate :)
    Loved the songs you posted; Galaxie 500 was a real discovery for me.

    Also: I'm listening to Jeremy Messersmith all the time now. Thanks for that.

  2. Haha next time you're in Dublin hit me up! Yeah Galaxie 500 are awesome that whole album is just too good.

  3. That's a deal! Although its quite unlikely I'll visit Ireland in the near future...
    Have you checked out The Horrors' new album btw? I like it and thought it might be something for you?
    A key track is "Endless Blue".

  4. Nah but I am just downloading it now. I didn't really like Strange House found it a little bit heavy, touch gothy even, I dunno. I'll give it a go. Have you ever listened to Bark Psychosis and the album Hex?

  5. I'm listening now. Sounds sweet so far. Absent Friend sounds quite jazzy and I like that. That song reminded me somehow of another album, "Unsolved" by Karate. Very underrated stuff, a mix of indie-rock and jazz with some bluesy additions here and there. You should check it out (if you find the time, ofcourse).
