Sunday, 17 July 2011

Stopped With My Tracks

Being stopped in ones tracks is the bane of the easily surprised that's why I prefer to stop with my tracks. It's a life choice thing, you probably wouldn't understand. Hence I just sit down and listen to a few songs or an album or something. In my humble opinion it is vastly superior to the gut wrenching ache of those stopped in your track moments. But hey, it' just a ride.

It's coming up to six in the evening, I was meant to work but that did not come to fruition. I actually got up at 6.57 this morning, which really bummed me out. To make matters worse I had to lounge about a closed train station for an hour before giving up on the whole thing altogether. So now I am taking the time to stop with my tracks.

Indian Summer were an influential post hardcore band from the San Francisco bay area. There is precious little information available about them easily findable on the interweb. Although apparently they never named any of their songs and the songs have simply assumed the names that fans call them. Legendary for the gravity of the emotional experience one went through at their concerts. I have become particularly fond of Woolworm/Angry Son . It seems to have it all complete with a cathartic and powerful finish.

I listened to it with a friend the other day and whilst discussing it we took a trip down memory lane. It brought us around to Ultimate Spinach, a set of Boston based psych rockers. Their music has that almost buttery feel, lie paint sliding down a wall and oozing together at the base. Fifth Horseman Of The Apocalypse is split into 3 sections each as beguiling, intriguing and enjoyable as the last.

Bon Iver's new album, titled twice, for effect or maybe a subtle hint at some self perceived duality in the Bon Iver set up. Who knows? Title aside, which I really don't like. I can sometimes understand the use of the bands name as a debut album title. That is alright, like a 'hello this is us'. However for a second album, the title; 'Bon Iver, Bon Iver' let me down. It is though a fantastic album it has a certain ambient or soothing quality I love.


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