So it's been a few days, I've been busy. I am now blissfully task free and so can return to writing boring, vainly worded pieces about my whims. I have prepared a little playlist for you to enjoy, just a few songs that I've have enjoyed recently. I have written a little blurb about each song, detailing my thoughts on it, skip that, it will be shit.
This Five Just Wants Somebody To Listen To It
Antlers - Burial
Antlers are a three cum four piece indie outfit from you guessed it New York. They are also rather fantastic. The song in question is from the 2009 album Hospice, the band had a fourth member, Justin Stivers, a bass player for this album. Burial is a long epic song, best listened to alone. It is a beautiful compostion, the music has a great sense of purpose and leads the listener. The vocals are almost obscured by the instrumentals which works very well. At around 8 minutes in length I would recommend you lay back in your bed and shut your eyes and drift away on this song.
Gorillaz - Don't Get Lost In Heaven
As far as I am concerned everything Damon Albarn does is pretty much perfection. Demon Days an album which people seem to listen to more these days with the release of Plastic Beach and The Fall has a number of high points and this short tender song is one of my favourites. It is quite a simple song and the vocals are augmented superbly by the London Community Gospel Choir. There is a lovely keyboard progression throughout the song and some sort of brass input, I think, I have very poor ears for that sort of thing. The simple jaunty melody and the echoing of the choirs voices is a wonderful dreamy combination, the icing on the cake is Albarns singing between choruses.
The Fiery Furnaces - Straight Street
This may be getting painful for some of you but yes these are indeed another NYC indie band. These are also in my opinion a little bit special. The album Blueberry Boat is a crazy crazy crazy album which seems to contain every single possible musical idea the band could have had. The result is, in my opinion, a truly wonderful cacophony of interesting sounds. Matthew and Eleanor Friedberger are the bands primary members. Brother and sister from Chicago. Eleanor's is amazing, a strong distinctive voice which bounces wonderfully of the jaunty and jiving melodies in Straight Street. The lyrics are spat out until the line 'cause your phones are getting stoned over on that straight street' where it jolts to a halt almost and the final words are delivered superbly. I think this a truly fantastic song, definitely one of my favourites right now.
Art Brut - We Formed A Band
Denying the second World War, this is a true novelty a German and English indie rock band. They urge us to 'stop buying your albums in the supermarket'. This is the opening track on their first album. It is one of my favourite debut album openers ever. The delightful irony present in the attention seeking lyrics and vague 'we are not sell outs' hints, as well as a reference to the lyrics not being ironic just augments the initial irony and to be honest this is irony have an orgasm. The self deprecating lyrics 'and yes this is my singing voice' is another brilliant touch. The sound is fast guitars, drums that seem to chase it at a breakneck pass and a whole pile of energy. Fantastic.
The Mary Onettes - The Night Before The Funeral
This has always been one of my favourite go-to-sleep songs. It's not that it is boring, more soothing. The sound is very relaxed yet still very interesting with some fantastic strings present. The music soars gently and gracefully behind a soothing voice terse with mourning. This dream pop group from Sweden are a guilty pleasure of mine, along with Champagne Riot, another dreamy Scandinavian sound.
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